by: Leo Comia
Goformat.com offers a number of ways to quickly format a block of text. Whether you want to transform all letters to upper or lower case, remove all instances of annoying characters such as “>” (which tends to show up in forwarded emails), or simply add a capital letter to the beginning of every sentence, Goformat.com can do the job quickly and easily.
How can Goformat help students?
- Goformat can help students in quickly changing the format of a text whenever they like it. Some text would come in different sizes and different font styles, you can easily change it to whatever you like using Goformat. You can either change it all to uppercase or lowercase depending on your needs. It is also helpful to avoid some instances that some letters becomes uppercase and you will be called Jejemon.
Group Review :
We rate this application 6 out of 10 since you can also do these kinds of task in Word Processors like Microsoft Word and many more :)
URL : http://www.goformat.com/
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