Monday, June 20, 2011

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk

by: Jan Aguas
   Remember the Milk (RTM) is an application service provider for web-based task- and time-management. It allows users to manage tasks from computer as well as offline.Remember the Milk allows users to create multiple task lists. Added tasks can be edited (or not) to include various fields; locations can be added, and an integrated Google Maps feature allows users to save commonly-used locations. Tasks can also be organized by tags. Tasks can be postponed, and Remember the Milk will inform users of the number of times a given task has been postponed. It is being developed by an Australian International team.

How can RTM help students?

  • Remember the Milk is like a to-do list wherein you can enter a task and the date that it is due. You can also rate a task whether how it is your first priority or your least priority. It would help the students in their time management as they encounter a lot of projects and Homeworks. To avoid unnecessary grades or low grades, Remember the Milk is the application that would help you and that would really push you to do your homeworks and Projects. If you tend to forget something, try Remember the Milk!

Screenie #1

Screenie #2

Screenie #3

Screenie #4

Screenie #4

 Group Review:
We rate this application 9 out of 10 since all students will really need this kind of application that would really remind you on what you need to do and remind you how important that task is. It will also help managing the time for school works and other things in a day.


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